The Road of My Childhood

Here's the road I grew up on.  I copied, cropped, and edited 9 of MS Virtual Earth's largest and most detailed images.  Then I combined them all using the Photoshop Elements photomerge panorama option into two separate images.  I labeled the images using Photoshop Elements so it would be easier to discuss.

Below is the first of two very large images.  You'll have to wait 'til the image loads then scroll left/right & up/down to see it all but it's worth the trouble.  It's a very detailed image.

Road A

The second image is even larger.  Notice the photograph is a different view.  Some views on Virtual Earth are more detailed than others and not all the same area is included in more than one image.  Again, wait 'til the image loads then scroll up/down & left/right to see it all.

Road B

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